HomeFishing BrandsMiddyJim Hall Becomes Middy's Latest Signing

Jim Hall Becomes Middy’s Latest Signing

Jim Hall Becomes Middy’s Latest Signing

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In May, Middy announced sponsorship deals with five “renowned” match anglers. Ryan Laycock was the first to be announced, followed shortly after by Brad Parkes and the returning Luke Bamford. Chris Lane was the fourth angler confirmed last week. With the tackle manufacturer’s official relaunch approaching, the final signing was announced yesterday on Facebook: Jim Hall.

Hall joins Midday after winning the Angling Trust Team Commercial Stillwater National Championship earlier this year at Lindholme Lakes as part of Team UK. Hi teammate from that competition, Steve Barraclough, was Middy’s first signing in early May. Jim Hall has also competed in The Golden Reel Grand Finals and has previously won the Lindholme Lakes Winter League.

Like Steve Barraclough, Jim Hall was previously sponsored by Browing, before the company exited the fishing industry earlier this year.

Middy still has opportunities for other anglers, so if you’re interested in taking your fishing to the next level and working with a big brand like Middy, check out the details here.

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Baiting The Swim Dave
Baiting The Swim Davehttps://baitingtheswim.co.uk
Just an average angler who loves to write and talk about match and course fishing.
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