HomeFishing NewsAngling Trust NewsTeam England Prepares for FIPSed 2024 European Championships

Team England Prepares for FIPSed 2024 European Championships

Team England Prepares for FIPSed 2024 European Championships

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As practice sessions conclude, the Angling Trust Team England gears up for the 2024 FIPSed Fédération Internationale de la Pêche Sportive en Eau Douce European Championships. Set on the Princess Margaret Canal in the Northern Netherlands, the competition promises a challenging yet thrilling experience, with bream fishing poised to play a pivotal role in pursuing medals.

Team Manager Mark Downes has identified bream as the crucial target species for the event. These fish, weighing between 1lb 8oz and 2lb, are abundant in some canal sections, while other areas hold significantly fewer. Downes emphasized the importance of drawing favourable pegs, which could decide between a dozen bream or just a couple.

The canal has fished okay, but it is massively peggy with areas in most sections where you can catch 12 bream and in others only a few – we need our fair share of those better pegs. You can make life hard for yourself by making a plan too complex, but we’ll need to keep ringing the changes with tactics and feeding to be in the race. It’s bream fishing at the end of the day, and there has never, ever been a fair bream venue in the history of fishing!

With few roach to target, focusing on smaller fish won’t yield success. Instead, the team must adapt and refine their strategies, utilizing a variety of techniques such as “running flat floats, flat floats nailed dead still, lighter running rigs on long poles, and even short ‘resting’ lines.”

The team’s lineup for the first day of the championship includes some of the sport’s finest anglers. Leading the charge is skipper Will Raison in B section, with former World Champion Sean Ashby in C section. The Guru duo, Matt Godfrey and James Dent will compete in sections D and A, respectively. Cameron Hughes will cover E section, while Simon Willsmore will serve as the reserve on day one.

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Angling Trust Team England European Championships Day One Team:

  • A section: James Dent
  • B section: Will Raison
  • C section: Sean Ashby
  • D section: Matt Godfrey
  • E section: Cameron Hughes
  • Reserve: Simon Willsmore

As the competition begins, Team England is prepared to navigate the complexities of the Princess Margaret Canal, with hopes of securing a prestigious medal through skill, strategy, and a bit of luck in drawing the right pegs.

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