HomeFishing CompetitionsFishOManiaJordan Holloway Through to FishO Final

Jordan Holloway Through to FishO Final

Jordan Holloway Through to FishO Final

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The 13th FishOMania qualifier was held on Saturday at Weston Pools Fishery in Oswestry, Shropshire. It wasn’t unlucky for Jordan Holloway, however, as he secured his place in this year’s FishO grand final, winning by just under 30lb.

Holloway won the match from peg 18 on Belvedere. He caught F1s shallow up tight to a bed of lilypads in front of him, before catching some big carp down his edge. He finished the match with a weight of 165lb 3oz. Second place on the day went to Charlie Law with 135lb 8oz from peg 6 on Stretton. David Crandon finished third, catching 121lb 7oz from peg 11 on Weir.

Jordan Holloway becomes the latest confirmed competitor and will fish for his chance to win £50,000 and the FishOMania crown at Westwood Lakes in July. The full list of FishOMania 24 finalists is below:

The next qualifier takes place at Partridge Lakes in Warrington on Saturday, 15th June.

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This year’s FishOMania final is on Saturday, 27th July at Westwood Lakes in Boston. Spectator tickets are available to purchase already. Tickets cost £7.00 per person, while a group booking for 4 people costs £20.00. A 10% service fee and £2.95 booking fee per order also apply. Car parking tickets are available for an additional fee at the time of booking. Car parking will cost £7.00 per car and £10.00 per van.

Head over to the FishOMania website to get your tickets now.

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Baiting The Swim Dave
Baiting The Swim Davehttps://baitingtheswim.co.uk
Just an average angler who loves to write and talk about match and course fishing.
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