HomeFishing BrandsNuFishNuFish Big Top Pole Floats Now Available at Stockists

NuFish Big Top Pole Floats Now Available at Stockists

NuFish Big Top Pole Floats Now Available at Stockists

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Last year NuFish released its first line of pole floats with the X-Strong range. Following the success of those floats, the company has listened to feedback from its consultants and customers to release a new range for 2024.

The new range of Big Top pole floats includes five new patterns that will cover a variety of commercial fishing styles. The new range of pole floats promises the same strength and power as the X-Strong range thanks to the durable materials used. The main focus for the range, however, was bite detection and visibility.

After a successful start to the Nufish pole float range with the X-Strong inline patterns last season, we took the feedback from our customers that bigger is better! So we went back to the design table and using all of the brilliant methods and components used to produce the best range of durable floats on the market we set about developing the new for 2024 BIG TOP range. Hard wearing, Hi-visibility, stable, inline and manufactured to last! That is the new BIG TOP range from NuFish.

JC Paste

First up is the JC Paste, exclusively designed by the paste master himself Joe Carass. These inline bodied floats have a strong fibreglass stem that runs right through the body and through the entirety of the 2mm tip, meaning that strength is maximised and the simple design prevents tangles when setting the bait. The two sizes – 0.3g and 0.5g will cover every paste situation that you will encounter.

JC Margin Paste

The JC Margin Paste is the little brother to the mid to deep water model and as the name suggests it’s designed for margin paste fishing in shallower water. The JC Margin Paste is available in one size – 0.2g and features a simple through the body one-piece glass stem/tip. This has been designed to reduce resistance when fish are actively feeding in the margins. The lack of resistance and buoyancy prevents your paste being knocked off the hook when you are receiving liners. This also means this float will sail away when those carp come slurping the paste in the warm margins, a method Joe Carass has perfected to take countless wins.


Shallow fishing was the concept behind the Clunk. Using 6mm or 8mm pellets shallow is a deadly tactic and the team wanted a simple self-cocking float for slapping and mugging carp. The Clunk features a 1mm steel stem that makes this float self-cocking, which means it can be fished with up to 8mm pellets without the need for adding shot to your rig. This makes slapping and mugging easier and more importantly tangle-free! If you want to use the Clunk with smaller baits just add shot to your rig to get the perfect balance. Available in two sizes – 0.3g and 0.5g, this will cover those shallow beasts.


Moving up the range is the Collett float and again one of our talented anglers Sam Collett is renowned for catching massive weights of big carp on big baits fished on the deck. When he is looking for stability in open water he wanted a float that would resist all of the line bites and false indications that occur when deck fishing. A 2.5mm medium length tip and a longer fibreglass stem in sizes 0.4g, 0.5g, 0.6g and 0.75g make this his go to open water deck float.


Bigger tips was the main request from the anglers who reached out to us, so when we set about designing the Wrath we started with a hi-vis 3mm tip for maximum visuals. This is set into a sturdy diamond body, sat on a strong fibreglass stem which means those big fish will certainly feel the wrath of this float! The Wrath is available in 0.3g, 0.4g, 0.5g and 0.6g making this ideal for margins and medium depth water, and if its power you are looking for then look no further.


To complete the new range is the little tough nut the Diablo. This compact float which has a 2mm tip, is THE float for shallow water situations. Whether it’s far bank mudline fishing or margin work, this float is designed to settle quickly due to its compact body and short tip. The Diablo is also an excellent choice for shallow fishing for carp and F1s due to its short overall length. The stability comes from a sturdy fibreglass stem, this float is that easy to use it will almost fish itself! Available in 0.3g, 0.4g and 0.5g.

If you would like to hear more info about he NuFish Big Top pole float range, you can watch the video below.

The Big Top range of floats is available at NuFish stockists already. Each float in the range retails for the bargain price of £2.25. If you’re going to tie some Big Top pole rigs yourself, be sure to check out our pole shot conversion chart to make your life easier.

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Baiting The Swim Dave
Baiting The Swim Davehttps://baitingtheswim.co.uk
Just an average angler who loves to write and talk about match and course fishing.
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